Registered Care Manager Position
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Main Duties:
Key Responsibilities:
- Efficiently manage the day to day running of the business. Allocate resources and monitor performance to deliver a high quality service to service users within budget. Provide leadership and manage all aspects of the care staff team to ensure they have the support to carry out their roles safely. Perform additional duties as may reasonably be required to ensure the financial health of the company and uphold the ethos and reputation of the provider.
- Be responsible for the administration and safe delivery of care services, maintaining confidentiality and security of both service users and staff information.
- Ensure that all regulatory, legislative requirements are met and in line with accepted best practices, with particular emphasis on service user and staff safety and the management of risk.
- Participate in the growth and development of the business and deliver services within budgets.
- Promote and deliver services at the agreed prices, including negotiating and managing contracts with providers and purchasers of health care services.
- Liaise with health care professionals in order to determine short and long term needs and provision within budgetary constraints.
- Implement quality management and improvement systems. Monitor quality assurance standards and report on the effectiveness of services with the view to improving the efficiency of care service provision.
- Manage the effective recruitment, training, appraisal and continuous professional development of staff. Identify ongoing training needs of staff to ensure they are up to date with legislation and best practice.
- Ensure sufficient numbers of suitably qualified staff are allocated appropriately to meet service needs at all times and meet the financial targets of the service.
- Create and maintain a culture of performance and excellence which promotes a high quality service with effective communication.
- Promote health and wellbeing not only of service users, but also of the company’s public social care commitment and partnerships with health care professionals and authorities.
- Maintain care and management skills and undertake such training and development as may from time-to-time be required to continue the optimal standard of practice.
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