Personal Care at Home
We support adults over 18, seniors, the elderly and frail, physically disabled, learning disabled, sensory impaired or those with Dementia or mental health illness with personal daily routines at home that are more intimate.
Our personal home care services could cover assistance with:
- getting in and out of bed
- wake up call
- bedtime routines
- dressing
- support with feeding and meals
- washing, bathing, showering
- incontinence
- help and support with toileting
- medication reminders, support and administration (we however are unable to administer invasive procedures, such as injections)
- application of topical creams
- hair brushing, grooming and maintaining personal appearance
- teeth cleaning
You may wish to combine your Personal Care with our Home Help services as it is often that both are needed.
Privacy and Dignity
As well as providing encouragement and emotional support, we will always endeavour to preserve your dignity, privacy and be ever respectful to your personal preferences, lifestyle, culture and care choices. As much as possible, and where it is safe to do so, we will support you to do things for yourself. We encourage independence and build your confidence by reassuring and helping you to continue to perform your daily routines.