In recent years, the importance of mental health has been gaining public awareness, especially since the younger Royals set up the charity Heads Together and their Change the Conversation Campaign aims to tackle mental health issues amongst young people.
Yet mental health issues have long since been on the agenda for social change aimed at the elderly. One such issue, which is particularly prevalent if they live on their own is social isolation and loneliness.
Loneliness isn’t simply an emotional experience, but affects health and mental wellbeing too. With an ever-aging population in the UK and the advancement of technology, loneliness and social isolation is becoming more prevalent amongst the elderly. Age UK states that 1.2million older people are not simply lonely, but ‘chronically’ lonely.
One telecommunications firm hit the nail on the head with its slogan, ‘it’s good to talk.’ It makes a difference to be able to share ‘life’ with others and to have the opportunity to simply talk. Loneliness prevents this from happening. It affects people of all ages, but can be tackled by people of all ages too. Human connection and interaction is something to be valued and should be accessible to all.
Let’s tackle loneliness and reach out and connect!
- Weekly telephone services providing a free confidential helpline, information, befriending and advice aimed at the elderly are available such as The Silver Line, Call in Time, Get encouragement
- Community led events/involvement – everyone has a skill / experience to share and learn from. People are often the best resources! Find a local Getting Together Club in South West Hertfordshire
- Supporting, teaching, learning how to use the Internet or getting connected on a smart phone CommunITy Support.
- Learn how to use emails, iPhone and iPad to connect with your family – AevaCare run free IT and gadget drop-in sessions for the elderly. Tea, coffee and biscuits available too! For more information, please Contact Us.
- AevaCare are able to provide Companionship visits, simply for chat or to accompany you to activities and events you enjoy.
Research by May Mak